Art of Kamutaza Tembo

Kamu, who hails from Zambia, is an outstanding artist and a dear friend of mine. With his permission I am hosting pictures of his art creations on this page.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Examples of Kamu's work (Part 4)

I met Kamu in the year 1999 when I asked him to join me as the Graphic Designer for the ETHICS 2000 Conference. Kamu made some superb graphics for the conference, which I will add to the collection later.

Here is his graphic for the Banquet.

And here is a still life work of art by Kamu.

More to come so stay tuned....

Examples of Kamu's work (Part 3)

Here are more examples of his art depicting Africa.

Examples of Kamu's work (Part 2)

Here are some more examples of his African Art.

Examples of Kamu's work (Part 1)

Driver Samu proudly drives a wire car creation of Kamu.

Some examples of wire cars designed by Kamu.

Examples of African art by Kamu.